Monday, March 1, 2010

Politicians can't trade anymore

How incompetent can the people that are supposed represent us be? Have we made it so hard for a regular person, possessing the skills to barter and trade, to be elected to any of our governing bodies? Whether you like it or not rich people, who have been rich all their lives or at least for so long they can't remember how ordinary people get by, are running this country. Most of these folks are so spoiled they think they must have it their way or nothing. Look at them, $2,000 dollar suits, $100 dollar haircuts, a government passenger jet for transportation and who knows what else we cannot even imagine.

Nobody trades anymore. John Sparkman, a Democrat, laid the groundwork for the giant Redstone Arsenal and Marshal Space Flight Center and NASA during the Republican administration of General Eisenhower. Old time traders like former Sen. Jim Allen and Representatives like Bob Jones, Tom Bevil and Bud Cramer kept it going through the Kennedy, Nixon, Carter, Reagan, Bush 1, Clinton and Bush 2 years. Today we have spoiled blue-bloods who can not even spell trade or compromise.

With conditions being the same as they are today Sen. John Sparkman and Rep. Bob Jones could have had the Washington Monument moved to Arley. This President needs help from the Republicans like a dead man needs a coffin. We are sitting here whining about losing a giant 'tanker' project in Baldwin County in addition to the dismantling of the NASA we know. At the same time our senior Senator is holding up 75 or 80 administration appointments out of sheer spite. Also our entire delegation meets each morning at the Lincoln Memorial to ride together in a limo past the White House while collectively 'mooning' the 'house of the people', as a sign of party loyalty.

This administration is so desperate for some Republican (which is all we have now) help they would be willing to trade almost anything for a breakthrough on the impasse Washington finds itself in. In the old days if the opposite party were as desperate the Obama administration is today, Sen. Sparkman would be easing over to the White House after dark with a handful of shopping bags to bring home the projects he wanted for his State.

If any of this state's delegation had enough skill to trade with Joe Sartain or Lynn Layton for a used car they could get anything they wanted at this particular time.
There is supposedly 80% of the Health Care bill that all parties agree on. If Shelby or that other guy representing us came out and publicly said he was going to support that 80% you could not run enough trains into Alabama to deliver what the Democrats would send. If a couple of the members of our delegation just went on T.V. and said they wanted to be the first to sincerely start the process to return to bipartisanship they would be amazed the goody bags that would begin to open. But NO, whatever the other side says is bad, they are trying to subvert the infra structure of the country, any success from the opposition will kill our democracy and lead us to a downfall like no other.

The neat thing about trading with the enemy is that most times everybody comes out a winner. What if we did get some relief from skyrocketing health care cost, and Baldwin County got a couple of thousand new jobs and a boost to their economy. What if we got another 35,000,000 people covered by insurance and the ones with insurance quit paying for those without coverage, and NASA went back to work trying to get a man on Mars.

The way things are today John Sparkman could get the U.S. Capital moved to Huntsville, Cape Kennedy to Mobile and the Jack Daniels Distillery to Sommerville. But our guys today will continue to hold on because they are right, that is what Jefferson Davis thought back in the mid 1800's and he got to retire early.