Monday, May 24, 2010

Paul Hubbard's new book: Black is White and White is Black

Are we actually stupid enough to fall for the latest and greatest from Paul Hubbard. Bradley Byrne is one of the very few that has gone one on one with Hubbard and won. Byrne has come the closest to breaking Hubbard's strangle hold on the legislature of this state and has the scars to prove it. Now Hubbard is funding an underground campaign that has the sheer nerve to question Byrne's credentials as a conservative while painting Tim James as the second coming of Ronald Regan. Little Timmy like is daddy has been bought to carry the water for Hubbard for the next four years. (It will only be four years because it is a proven fact that this state cannot stomach a James for more that four years at time.)

The polls say we may be buying this load of garbage hook line and sinker. I think we are smarter than to let that happen. It has taken Hubbard nearly four years to get some of what Byrne took away from him earlier and Hubbard thinks he's got the $$$ to keep the Byrne machine from jerking him around again. I hope we can understand if it quacks like a duck, walks like a duck and swims like a duct it is probably a duck. In the words of that great American, Tim James, 'what do you think about that'.