Monday, August 1, 2011


One opportunity down and another on the horizon. The Administration and Congress have missed another great opportunity to lead. Not only our Country but the World needed firm and decisive leadership at this very moment to avoid a universal crisis in the financial dealings effecting everyone of us at this time and place. On the surface it would seem that a new commission, comprised of a few Senators, was thrown a three yard pass over the middle between four or five 260lb linebackers and defensive backs and the quarterback (the President and Congress) expect them to not only make the reception but to pick up the 30 yards needed for a first down. This has been done in the past but the odds against it a high.

What can happen is that these commission members have the opportunity to surprise everyone and turn this desperation call into not only a first down but maybe even a touchdown. This commission by making the right moves can avoid what appears to be sure failure and turn their efforts into the game changer we all hope and pray for.

I am going to share my 'Free State' solution to just how the miracle can be accomplished. Let's go back to the basic premise we all learned early on in the elementary schools most of us enjoyed. This is a Republic 'By the people'. My solution would be to quit treating the citizens of this country as only the worker bees and not capable of understanding the intricacies of running a nation.

I would like to see the commission exhibit some real intestinal fortitude and publish specifics of all the solutions they consider. Do not say as both parties so readily do, 'we intend to cut X dollars from the entitlement programs', tell us exactly what you intend to cut. If you are going to cut grandma's cost of living provision then spell it out. If you are going to institute a 'means testing' for Medicare and SS, then spell it out. If you are considering a return to pre-Bush tax rates for any one then spell it out. Tell us the loop holes you see that are on the board then spell them out. After hearing from the public and deliberation you decide to move forward with an action, break it down to understandable legislation and send the specific measure to the Congress where members of Congress have to cast a public vote on the specific issue so all their constituents know exactly how they vote. Quit lumping everything together then campaigning only broad 'word byte' issues.

We as an electorate do not know who or what is really being hurt or protected. We have enough sense together to see through the mound of BS Congress gives us but we only get a 30,000 foot picture of what really happened. It is all like the pictures of a forest fire from the Space Station. I don't know how much cutting tax incentives on corporate jets will generate or a return to pre-Bush tax rates on incomes over $250,000 will yeild. I have no idea whether a piece of legislation will bankrupt an industry or spur growth in the same industry, but together we will have a collective opinion far better than that of a few lobbyist hire to produce a specific result.

Quit acting like my grand kids who insist on keeping secret from their sibling how many doughnut holes they have left in their bag. The vast majority, I firmly believe, are willing to sacrifice and share the steps necessary to get not only our house but the worlds house in order. This commission will find there is a tremendous willingness to get this mess straight from not only cutting spending but also with fair and equitable revenue enhancement. Congress and the Administration need to quit acting like a midway barker, touting only the broad PR message and lobbyist spiel, but instead they need to rely on the people. Everyone is not going to be happy with everything, but we will understand and make it work.

We are way past the time of you vote for my pet bridge project in my district and I will help you get a new bomber for your district. We can't afford to keep letting everyone look good to their constituents as long as we look good to ours.

A little Divine guidance, as opposed to party and personal motivation will go a long way also.