Monday, May 14, 2012


What's happening in Decatur?  This is a question anyone from our fair city is ask from time to time.  My usual response, 'Oh not much' or 'same old same old', is so far off it's not even funny.  Decatur, Alabama is hot as a two dollar pistol.  This weekend alone over 5,000 citizens from ever age group, race, neighborhood, socioeconomic sector participated in a hugely fun day at Point Mallard Park.  The Dragon Boat races to benefit Decatur General were a most positive indicator of just what's happening right under our noses.

When you consider this success along with everything else we are experiencing it is impossible to deny this has to be the hottest, most blessed city in the country.  While the nation continues to groan under the continued dig out of the Great Recession, our City and County continues to boom and lead the way out for anyone willing to follow.  

Downtown is blossoming into a showplace built around the new Fine Arts Center and specialty shops of all kinds.  Soon Decatur Downtown will be a destination for visitors from around the Southeast and other areas to enjoy, spend their money and relax in a welcoming place for the entire family.  3rd Friday is drawing hundreds who are discovering our great music, eating and retail. 

Our retail and restaurant attractions are pushing Decatur to a place to be envied by other Cities in any part of our country.  We have retired our debt on the Crossing's in record time and dust is flying on the new Kolh's and renovations to the old Mall.

Our recreation attractions, (fishing, softball, soccer, tennis, water park and event center) are bringing people and media outlets into our town on a weekly bases, only to leave carrying the message of a Decatur on the move.

Large new industry and expanding old industry are moving dirt and creating new high paying jobs, while our churches continue to grow and affirm our southern christian heritage.

Our schools are moving into a new and exciting era with new leadership to breathe new excitement into the lives of our greatest asset our children. 

I know that I am changing my response to the question 'what's happening in Decatur',  from now own I'm telling the questioner, 'you don't have time for me to get started, Decatur is the hottest city in the whole country, you just have to visit to figure it out'. 

If they have a little extra time I'll tell them about Hartselle, Priceville, Sommerville and Falkville.  There is literally something good going on everywhere.