Tuesday, April 22, 2014

From the 'THAT'S NOT RAIN ON YOUR LEG' file.

Sometimes I just think there are things that just need to be said, or at least I need to get them out of my system.  There's nothing I can do about them but I don't want people to think I am so stupid I believe whatever those in charge want to tell me.

Today is April 23, 2014 and gas prices in Decatur are ranging between $3.46 and $3.55.  Two or three months ago they were below $3.20 in most places.  Now I believe in the free market system as much as anyone and understand the need for ROI, the cost of R&D and all the other things we are fed in order to protect big petroleum companies, but here's my 'burr under the saddle' moment.

I guess we are supposed to believe or at least buy that of all the 'big gas' producers operating today, their cost of raw material, their manufacturing processes, their distribution and marketing are so highly developed and refined, their final pricing is always the same.  If Exxon has more raw product and more refining capacity, and closer distribution in the Southeast part of the country than say Shell, why isn't their cost at the pump less in this area than Shell's. How come everyone's price is always the same.  Some variances are due to the local stations but the distributor pricing is always close to the same.

Somebody's gas has got to be easier to get, closer, less costly to refine and less costly to distribute, at least sometime.

I know there is a lobbyist or PR firm ready to explain this to me in a 'white paper' on petroleum pricing, but when I'm gone I want someone to stand up and at least say, old Norman was not so stupid he fell for crap like this.  That is not rain on my leg.