Tuesday, December 2, 2014

We have come to a place and time in our world where we have forgotten the word 'fear'. 
The dictionary defines the word as something that 'causes feelings of dread, or apprehension; something a person is afraid of'.  We have assumed those consequences are inherently bad and something no one should experience.  We as a people have incorrectly assumed since these feeling are negative they should no longer be a part of the human condition.  This faulty assumptions are destroying the ability of people to live in a structured society.  It is going to take real effort and discipline to reinstate this common sense tool, a foundation of an orderly civilization.  

When I was a kid I was afraid of a lot of things.  First of all I was afraid of my parents. To this day I remember the fear of displeasing my mom and dad and the consequences of my actions.  I don't really remember in much detail the price I paid for their discipline but I do remember the fear I felt when I knew those consequences were coming.   After my parents, grand parents and other family members I vividly remember the 'fear' of teachers, coaches and principles.  In these instances some of the consequences are recalled in detail. I also remember the 'fear' I experienced knowing my parents would never question my guilt or innocence when I had been punished by a teacher, coach or principle.  The guilt was established by the teacher and the only question was would the sentence and punishment be enhance when my parents found out.  As I grew I was afraid of the police, the sheriff and all others in authority.  I knew people who broke the law would be punished, and more importantly they had the right to punish me any way the law as determined by a judge or jury saw fit.  

Underlying it all I was afraid of crossing God.  I knew was a loving God and cared for his children and gave us every chance to be accepted by him.  I also knew God was a jealous God and should I not conduct myself as he had laid out in the Bible I would burn in a fiery hell for my disobedience. 

Pretty simple stuff based on the simple concept of fear.  Today it is entirely different. Children are not afraid of their parents.  So many parents today find it easier to ignore the transgressions of the kids because they are busy or really don't even care.  It is easier to overlook the kids actions excuse them as just being kids than it is to discipline the child for wrong doings.  At the next level parents expect the teachers, coaches and school authorities to leave the discipline to them (which they fail to do) or to never hold the kids to any standard of conduct.  We have forbidden school personnel to create any fear in the kids we send to them.