Tuesday, February 24, 2015


Much has been written and discussed recently about whether or not we are a Christian nation. A large number of Christians are offended and shocked because the President supposedly said we are not. I agree with Dr. Ben Carson, it is not for the President to say but for the people of this country to make that determination themselves. If we really are, it is up to each individual to claim their grace given right themselves and to act in the way the Bible instructs us. The thing that disturbs me about this is the fact we seemed to expect someone else to define us and not take that responsibility upon ourselves.

Why do we feel the need to have someone post the Ten Commandments on a courtroom wall or have someone pray in our public schools. I can't help but think about the old saying that says, 'going to church no more makes you a Christian that standing in a garage makes you a car'. Christianity is personal. Christ told us to 'take up our cross and follow him', nothing was said about getting in line with others and following the crowd.

It's great to be a part of a fellowship of Christians and God does work where two or three are gathered together in his name but the bottom line is the personal relationship each person has with their creator. If that relationship is what it should be, it is fed by the Word, nurtured in fellowship with others and spread one by one to everyone we come in contact with.

Whether or not we are a Christian nation is not determined by what someone tells us or what we write on our public buildings. We are a Christian nation because of our people know and follow Christ. No one can tell us what we are, it us up to us to live our lives as we know Christ wanted, to spread the benefits we receive from our relationship with him to others and to own the responsibility of building his kingdom one person at a time, until each knows himself or herself we are a Christian nation once more.