Wednesday, September 16, 2015


Here in Morgan County we are being hit with news of both the City of Decatur and the State of Alabama taking money, which both claim to need, from Education funds previously earmarked for Education.  There is the usual outrage by those involve in Education and a few others who sincerely fear the threat of further lowering our ability to educate our children.  On the other hand I have not seen a huge ground swell of reaction to the moves from most.

There are many reasons for this and I think I know a few.  First most people wonder what the State Education System is doing with $150,000,000 laying around and not currently being used.  We've bought everything from wrapping paper to Klenex from all our kids and grand kids for years.  If we have a child or grandchild who would like to play a sport or participate in and extracurricular activity we know we're going to shell out a small fortune for uniforms, equipment, program ads and pom poms until our pockets are empty.  We have enough outside that $150,000,000 to build two $40,000,000 schools in a one school town and pay good salaries to more Administrators that Nucor and 3M need combined.  We do all this and their is still $150,000,000 in their Christmas Club account.

Secondly we also are learning about an Administrator at our local Community College who has been dismissed for malfeasance in her job.  I believe over 20 grounds for her dismissal were filed and as far as I can tell were never defended before any trier of fact.  The powers that be first place her on paid leave for several months, then settled her termination issues by continuing to pay her full salary ($108,000 per year for another 6 months) until she can draw her retirement of probably more that $75,000 per year for the rest of her life.  O yes, the Education system is also going to repay the Federal Government something in the neighborhood of $500,000 because of the way she operated. All this in addition to paying much more in retirement to a retired President whose policies and practice oversaw and promoted this behavior by the person terminated.  These two alone have and will cost the State Education system millions before its all over.  (Just a personal thought, I hate paid leave for any government employee suspected or convicted of anything.  As long as these institutions have toilets and locker rooms that need cleaning or leaves that need raking I think the accused should report to work and do whatever needs to be done, if not guilty get their job back.  Let anyone in the private sector cost their employer anything and see how much retirement they retain.)

Whether you say or the law says tax money goes for only one purpose and one only it is all coming from the pockets of taxpayers.  We have been party to building Kingdoms and separate divisions of government which we are told are sacred.  It's all coming from the same place, taxpayers and it's running out.  I'm not sure the State or the City will use the money any better but they can't do and worse and apparently it will not be rat holed under some high sounding name.