Wednesday, August 30, 2017


After everything we have witnessed in this Country in the last few months we finally have a 'teaching event' for the patriotic, hard working, mainstream, people of faith to capitalize on. We have witnessed attacks on our history, culture and fundamental way of life from extremes on both the right and the left. Both being dangerous and destructive but the Soros backed group of radicals and extremest have really been after a way of life we have apparently taken for granted too long and not nurtured and cultivated as we should have.

The actions and attitudes displayed in the wake of Hurricane Harvey needs to be lesson plan we teach and point to for years to come. I have seen the very best in our culture displayed since Harvey ripped Texas apart. Hundreds of thousands of people reaching out to those so badly affected. Thousands of small and large towns loading truck after truck with supplies, column after column of tractor trailers, loaded with essentials rushing into the area even before the storm had passed. Giant corporations disrupting their production to fill needs that only they have the capacity to fill. Millions sending cash to various charities and at least one, anthem standing, patriotic NFL star raising over 5 million dollars in just a few days for the victims of the hurricane.

God did not send the hurricane to prove any point or punish us, he's much bigger than that, but I'm quite certain he watching to see if we are still a nation of faithful people who remember his Son's words about 'feeding his lambs'. I'm glad that in spite of the divisive hatred that has been displayed and promoted by many factions, we are still a nation that when needed, we hitch our little flat bottom boats to our 10 year old pickup and head across three states, at our own expense, to try and help someone of a different color and background reach a safe shore..