Monday, July 30, 2018


The Book of 'Daniel' just keeps getting better and better. Better in an entertaining sense but if you are one of those who think the stories of the Old Testament have a message for us today maybe better is not the best way to look at what we find. I spoke yesterday about the saga of King Nebuchadnezzar and how he had been turned into a blathering idiot, sent to the fields and woods to live, eat and talk to the animals until he recognized and acknowledged Daniel's God to be the only God and sovereign.

Today in the very next Chapter 5, we find his successor to be even dumber and more disrespectful of God and as a result suffered a much worse fate. Now by either peaceful succession, coup or simple luck this dude named Belshazzar had followed old Neb to the throne. From the story, much like today, it is apparent history was not a mandatory subject in the school for Kings in those days.

Kin Belshazzar either didn't know or didn't care about his predecessor being turned into a mindless, grass eating creature at God's direction. This man was so ignorant of God Almighty he doubled down on his lack pf respect for Daniel's Living God. He took, for his own pleasure, the gold and silver tableware which Nebuchadnezzar had taken in an earlier plunder of the Temple of God. He brought out the Holy utensils to impress his wives, concubines, idol worshiping fraternity brothers and heathen neighbors. While whooping it up, drinking from the Holy tableware and grovelling around like animals a human like finger appeared and started writing on the wall. Much like Nebuchadnezzar, the current King Belshazzar called for his own Physic Network and Company to interpret the writing on the wall. Again promises of riches untold were made to anyone who could tell him what the writing meant. Once more as in years past the Physics were stumped, they immediately recommended Daniel, a man they described as one possessed with 'divine knowledge'. (I wonder what these guys were getting paid for?)

Once again Daniel is summonsed and offer the same riches and perks offer first to the inside Physics to read the message left by the floating finger. Daniel after seeing the message politely refused the bounty offered for his services. With King Nebuchadnezzar I got the feeling Daniel was a little hesitant to give Neb the message, but here he seemed to enjoy breaking this news to Belshazzar.

Four words were written, MENE, MENE, TEKEL PARIN
MENE—Numbered, as in King Belshazzar your time is up.
MENE-- 'in case you didn't understand the first time.
TERKEL--- Weighed, as in your have been weighted on the balance and failed the test.
PARSIN—Divided, as in your Kingdom has been divided.

Now how King Belshazzar and his house guest took this is not recorded, but we do know that very night King Belshazzar was killed and his Kingdom divided.

It is never a good idea to mock and dishonor our GOD. (we really need to get this out)

Friday, July 27, 2018


Sometimes I wonder if all the people who claim to be card carrying, church going, 100% believers really read the scripture to understand it and learn, or do they read them to simply pad their resumes for judgment day. I question if they believe it has any relevance to the world surrounding us today. In our deepest of beliefs and heart of hearts is there anymore than an appreciation of a great collection of age old stories and a fairly accurate early history of a people in early civilization.

For several reasons I have recently been drawn to and fascinated by the 'Book of Daniel'. The stories of Daniel in the lions den and Shadrach, Meshach and Abendego have been favorites since Mrs. Rutland and Mrs. Young first told them in my very young Sunday School days. More recently I have been drawn to the book for some reason or another and have found it full of relevant lessons for my world today.

A couple of the stories that seems to be relevant at this particular time have really got my attention. In Chapter 4 King Nebuchadnezzar (Neb) finds himself in a lot better shape than any of our world leaders today. He's even quoted as say, “I Nebuchadnezzar, was living in my palace in comfort and prosperity.”
(Daniel 4:4) His problem came beginning in v.5 when he had a dream that scared him pretty bad. He first called on his Secretary of Physic and all that department for interpretation after offering untold treasures to the one who could come up with an answer. When the usual fortune tellers and soucerers could not help he was referred to Daniel. (purportedly a man from a heaven Neb apparently did not believe in) The scripture gives no indication why Daniel was not called on first.

The dream was of a great tree in the middle of the earth. It was a great and mighty tree, it reached to the heavens, giving shelter to the birds of the air and animals around it, feeding all the people from it bounty. As the dream played on the King saw a messenger (a holy one) come down from heaven who ordered the tree cut down, its limbs and branches destroyed and scattered, leaving nothing for all that benefited from the tree. The messenger left the stump and roots and enclosed them in a bronze and iron ring surrounded by tender grass. The messenger in the dream then decreed 'let him be drenched with the dew of heaven and let him live like an animal among the plants of the field for seven periods, let him have the mind of an animal instead of a human'. The messenger then said the purpose was to show that the 'Most High' rules all the kingdoms and has dominion of everything.

Here's where it gets good. According to the scripture even Daniel was shocked by what he saw in this dream and honestly I would have not wanted to be in his place. I do like how he began his interpretation to old King Neb. He started by saying something about how he wished one of King Neb's enemies had really had this dream instead of Neb.

Daniel told him the tree represented no other than the King himself. He was a mighty King as was the tree, he had grown strong and great, his rule extended across the earth. Problem was God had declared what was about to happen. He would be driven out of power, he would lose his mind and live as an animal for seven periods. At the end of this time, he would realize and acknowledge God was truly the ruler of all and that Neb would recognize such and that from the remaining roots and stump he would be restored.

Now we either believe this happened as recorded in what we profess to be God's divine Word or it goes on the shelf with Goldilocks and Harry Potter. I for one believe every word..

How does this apply to us today. I believe with all my heart when God's had enough we will know it. Whether it is our President, Russia's, China's or Rocket Man, God is in charge. The combined power of all falls desperately short of God's. If a people turn to God and his ways in their deepest beliefs and feelings he will honor them. Once we become so self centered and take God out the the center we stand the risk of following old Neb out into the fields to eat with the cattle/

I don't believe God will hesitate to bring about the biggest 'Attitude Adjustment' in the history of the world. He is forgiving, loving and all caring, but it must be a two-way relationship. It took a lot to set my Dad off, he loved me so much. God loves us so much more than we can imagine but he loves us so much he will not go so far as to let us destroy ourselves.

We may be getting close to 'Attitude Adjustment' time.