Tuesday, October 1, 2019


I think it's time for a Play-Off.  We need to know which national political party really controls the 'DEEP STATE'.  For the majority of my life I was a blue dog Democrat.  I really believed the Democrats had the best platforms and policies for the majority of the people of this nation.  Then when things really started turning left in the 60's and I could contrast the changing landscape during the Ronald Reagan election I tended to drift back more to the right while still believing the Democrats would get it right eventually.  Didn't happen.

While watching both parties become satisfied with pandering to the extremes on the very ends of the spectrum I have come to a realization the neither really give a damn about the overall good of this nation.  I am grateful to President Trump, who I consider a maverick and independent to bring out the truth we as a nation should consider.

The Republicans are really more deeply entrenched in the Deep State than the Democrats.  At least the Democrats, who have gone off the deep end, are fighters for the cause and positions.  Never has this been more evident than in the last 10 years.  The Republicans were either totally incompetent or slower that the bottom 10% of the class in protecting not only the country but also those things the now claim to hold dear.  On the other had the Democrats fight like Hell to further their cause.

The Obama term was a disaster in terms of good government.  Six Billion simply lost in the State Department, Billions flown in cash to an avowed enemy and guns sold to groups shooting at Americans, pay for play in what seems to be anybody with any influence within 6 degrees of relationship to someone holding office or appointment and a total retreat from anything remotely related to God.  The Republicans apparently simply sat quietly by and collected whatever piece of the corruption they could squeeze out.

In comes Trump and begins conducting the government like a business and asking tough questions about past practices and the Dems come out fighting like junk yard dogs, recognizing things were not going to be done as usual, the Soros, One World way.  They totally stopped governing and implemented a counterattack in an effort to settle things down until they could get back to the agenda they had been programmed to follow.

If the Republicans were so innocent in this destruction of  our government, Constitution and way of life, when was the time they were fighting like the Dems are now.  For the first two years of the Trump administration they held control of both Houses of Congress.  Why were they not 'inquiring' with the same intensity the Dems are now.  Paul Ryan was just as much a Democrat as Elizabeth Warren and much more deceptive, but the blame can not solely be placed on him.  No Republican I can think of raised and hell at all.  Hillary Clinton defied Congress itself and erased over 30,000 emails and not one hearing was held.

We're in a mess here my friends,  We have a handful of people in Washington that are standing between us and failure as a nation.  Our founders had no intention of saving us from a king to deliver us to a ruling class, funded by the work of the average citizen.  This type of government has never worked and it never will.  Freedom is the only chance any nation has for peace.

Get rid of them all.