Monday, February 2, 2009


I want to preface anything I say here with the acknowledgement that I think President Obama is the best thing to happen to our country in a long time. I think he has the intelligence and insights to not only see but to understand where divisive and bipartisan politics have taken us over the years since we were truly united for a long period of time. I have been a fan of this dynamic young leader since his appearance at the Democratic convention four years ago and my admiration has done nothing but grow since that night over four years ago. I have watch his campaign over the last two years and intently followed his evolution to the oval office and I firmly believe he is definitely the man for the job he now holds.

My question today is not whether the plans and policies in the inaugural address can become a reality, my question is will we be able to find people willing to fill the stimulus jobs the President proposes. I do not think it will be hard to reach a consensus among Republicans and Democrats on designing or funding such stimulus programs. The majority by now realizes that cash must begin to flow to the middle and lower portions of our economic structure. Somebody has got to have the money to buy a new mattress or big-screen T.V. Fixing the car companies is a total waste of money if there is not going to be someone to buy the new cars they produce. The problem I see is that it is going to be hard to get someone to take one of those stimulus jobs if he can make “livin money” doing nothing and drawing food stamps and other “government money”. Granted the stimulus wages would probably be higher but so is the wage for cooking at McDonalds and working for landscaping companies which only the Hispanic members of our society will take now. Poultry plants across the south are almost 100% staffed by Hispanics who are the only applicants for the jobs. What is going to be the motivation to get this vast wave of Americans to take a job working on ‘shovel ready’ highway project in the middle of winter or heat of summer when they will not d-bone a chicken for $9.00 an hour in an air-conditioned building.

There is a large number of high-end unemployed that have lost their jobs and life savings due to the current crisis with a very good work ethic and desire to become re-employed. These people are the baby boomers who have a strong appreciation of work and the ability to provide for their families. They have a pride that will not allow them to ‘live off the government” and they want to work, the problem with them is that they have reached an age where physical labor is no longer practical. Repairing the infrastructure and ‘greening’ or nation is going to require hard grueling work these people could not do because of physical limitations.

I know President Obama is smart and God only knows he is going to need to be. We do not need to create more jobs for our Hispanic neighbors to man while sending their income home to Mexico and other South American countries. I am in full agreement that Public Work jobs similar to those of Roosevelt in the Great Depression are one way to get cash into the economy. It has worked before and will work again; the trick is to see to it that this great entitlement society recognizes that work is a precedent to being entitled to anything. This is going to be hard. There will not be any marching bands or celebrity galas going on while the tough stuff gets done. Everyone talks about readjusting our economy, which is not going to be hard to do. Readjusting our sense of entitlement is going to be the real bitch in this thing.

I think my man Obama can do it!!

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