Thursday, December 31, 2009

Rush Limbaugh vacations with the President

Rush Limbaugh vacations with the President!!

Can you imagine how shocked I was this morning when I read on a creditable news site the following?

“HONOLULU (AP) - Conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh is resting comfortably in a Hawaii hospital after suffering chest pains while on vacation, his radio program says.”

Something funny was going on here and I needed to get to the bottom of it. Calling on my sources around the globe I was able to piece together the following.

Apparently the President and his family arrived on Christmas day for the holiday break, nothing unusual here. The giveaway to the earth shaking news was when my sources discovered Limbaugh had sneaked onto the island under cover of darkness the day after and had met secretly with the President on several occasions since. Limbaugh traveled incognito to and from the meetings with the President, which Limbaugh insisted be held in the back room of a Denny’s to avoid detection by the press. Each time Limbaugh was disguised as a Wise Man, in period costume from the years associated with Jesus’ birth and not uncommon to see during this Christmas season. Limbaugh had also determined the disguise would be sellable to the Christian right should he get caught.

Creditable sources now report the chest pains experienced by Limbaugh were caused by his discovering he agreed with the President on many issues. Before being admitted Limbaugh told those closest to him he was quite sure Mr. Obama was a Christian, he was born in the United States, in no any way related to Saddam Hussien, and did not like Nancy Pelosi much better than Limbaugh himself.

I wish a speedy recovery to Mr. Limbaugh and hope that upon his return he can become a part of the solution our great Country needs.

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