Monday, August 2, 2010

On this Day in 1776

Members of the Continental Congress began adding their signatures to the Declaration of Independence. Many believed the painting showing everyone lining up on July 3rd or 4th was an accurate portrayal of the events surrounding the signing by the Congress but such was not the case. After these guys read what Jefferson, Adams and Franklin had written or directed to be written it took a full month to start getting them back together to sign the actual document.

When this bunch saw what the leaders had done it scared the hell out of them. Reports are they lit out of Philly as soon as the first draft was read and it took Washington's army to drag them back. Who in their right mine would send such an inflammatory writing to the King of the most powerful nation in the world, telling him this bunch of radical field hands were taking his summer vacation retreat and turning it into a sovereign nation. Washington found many of these Congressmen in caves and others hightailing it to Canada. It took months to get everyone in to sign.

I guess we should not get too upset when our current Congress finds every way possible to avoid addressing the real issues of the day. Congress has a long record of CTA (Covering their A$$).

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