Sunday, September 19, 2010


I lost a dear friend and good buddy this week. Scott Willis was one of the finest men I have had the privilege of knowing. Scott's pure goodness will be missed far beyond our loss of his tremendous talents. Scott is one of God's lessons to us that money, houses, cars and material possessions are not what is important, it is the person within. Scott gave so much of himself and his talents to so many that he will be in the minds and hearts of all of us for years to come. There is a hole in this community that can not be filled.

Thank you for all the beauty and laughter you brought to me and all you knew. What an addition to God's choir. Rest, we know where you are and will see you soon.

Friday, September 17, 2010


I've been reading on the hometown newsy web site Harold Bearden runs about the discrimination Haleyville is suffering because they are not on a four lane. Apparently Wal-Mart will not turn their little under stocked store that has been in Haleyville for years into a Super Center, one that has all the bells and whistles. This is not right and Wal-Mart should be held accountable. A person from Haleyville should be able to buy everything from grits to wife beater shirts (with a picture of Coach Byrant leaning against a goal post) in Haleyville as easy as those living in Hartselle. Now this is a matter that even the strongest 'Tea Party' members would agree needs some government intervention.

Do those that just happen to live in a town with a four lane deserve the American Dream any more that those live in the Dime or Pebble communities around Haleyville. If Sam Walton were alive he would be throwing a fit over these injustices. Sam never took anybody for granted. It mattered not to ole Sam how many roads ran into and out of a town. He slapped that beautiful blue and white 'WAL-MART' sign where every good red blooded American and some Mexicans could get to it quick.

I think it is the 'Yankees' that have taken control of this company since old Sam and Bud died. I have always heard those boys of Sam and Bud had so much money they didn't give a damn about the business and the 'Yankees' just took over after Sam went to that Super Center in the sky. 'Yankees' will do that if you don't watch'em.

That's what's happening in this country today. You turn something over to a bunch of 'Yankees' and within a few years we're doing things the way they do it in Michigan or Ohio. I don't have an answer, if anyone out there does please let me know.