Sunday, September 19, 2010


I lost a dear friend and good buddy this week. Scott Willis was one of the finest men I have had the privilege of knowing. Scott's pure goodness will be missed far beyond our loss of his tremendous talents. Scott is one of God's lessons to us that money, houses, cars and material possessions are not what is important, it is the person within. Scott gave so much of himself and his talents to so many that he will be in the minds and hearts of all of us for years to come. There is a hole in this community that can not be filled.

Thank you for all the beauty and laughter you brought to me and all you knew. What an addition to God's choir. Rest, we know where you are and will see you soon.


Unknown said...

What a lovely thank you and tribute to Scott. I always love reading your posts. As always you write with heart.

judy said...

vywonderful comments about our scott, he was all that and more. thank you for posting this heartfelt post. judy

Unknown said...

Blessings and thanks to you for articulating beautifully what so many of Scott's friends are feeling. It was a privilege to know him.
