Friday, July 1, 2011

Let's Jump on Aderholt, it all his fault.

Couldn't help but notice the Decatur Daily jumped on my old Haleyville friend Robert Aderholt yesterday. It is probably a good time to get him, he no longer represents any of Decatur or Morgan County and I guess we already have all the funding we are going to get out of him for downtown redevelopment, Ingalls Harbor, sewer, water, swimming pools, Senior Centers and all the other projects we have depended on him in the past to find money for us to use. Robert was really good for us while he lasted but now, before they even get his name off the door of his office in the courthouse we need to use him as a case study on what's wrong in Washington.

I will assume The Daily was 100% right in the points it made concerning the wrong Congressman Aderholt was guilty of. Assuming the facts are correct I agree this a practice that is wrong. Congressman Aderholt probably did find some funding for a University here in Alabama not in his district where his wife serves on the Board of Trustees. This is a problem that must be addressed and hopefully stopped. My problem with the Daily is the sanctimonious way they pointed out the faults of Congressman Aderholt when writing about a universal problem. The Daily through its ownership and management, every citizen in it's readership through their elected and appointed officials and everyone else living in this country that looks to government for something is just as responsible for these type appropriations and any Congressperson.

We have all been indoctrinated with the feeling that there is so much money flowing through Washington that it is our representative's duty and obligation to get just a little bit for us. If our man don't get it then someone else's man will get it and send it to another district or state. We send plane loads of people to Washington to plead for cases that while great to us is really not the obligation of the Federal Government to provide. The Representatives have come to believe the same thing and in a sense their re-election relies on their ability to 'bring home the bacon'.

Robert Aderholt is an honorable, sober, Christian man who takes his job and the representation of his constituents seriously. Everyday he does exactly what he believes to be right and with the goal of justly representing his people. We the people are just as much at fault as these representatives. No matter how loud we cry and strike out against the evil government spending we still don't think it really is going to hurt anybody if we get just a little taste of 'that' money. We just need a little to help us with beautifying an entrance way into our city or maybe just helping us with a project to teach children shaped note singing, or maybe just create a bird watching trail.

I guess the Daily was right, Aderholt is somebody else's now and he needs to cut that stuff out. Now that we are on the high road we probably need to get 'Mo' over here to see about getting some help with putting on the 'Coon Dog Festival' out at Ingalls next year. We just need a little seed money and there is so much in Washington.

Can you believe we have a person named 'Mo' to represent us now. That's fodder for another day.

1 comment:

Rita said...

If the Daily was correct with its facts, it would be the first time in a while. On the subjects I know anything about, their editorials manage to take half truths or only part of the facts and twist everything around. The media is so frustrating these days -- amazing how they can 'discover' all sorts of nitpicky about some people, but can't seem to see the big elephant (truth) staring them in the face about others.