Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Well ole Jack Norman ran the board this past week and picked 5 for 5 losers.  That brings my average for this year to an enviable .500 in just two weeks of prime picking.  I think if you will remember my boyhood hero Mickey Mantle is securely in the Baseball Hall of Fame with a .298 batting average.  Last week was very entertaining.  Some of the summertime wonders got their pants pulled down and tripped all over their pre-season hype and exposed for the hot air they were.  Arkansas was never going to beat Alabama and USC was not going to the BCS Championship game with Monty’s boy and Orgeron leading the charge.  On the other hand get ready for the new onslaught of love for Notre Dame and Florida, neither are worthy of being in charge of Little Nicky’s hairspray or the ‘Hat’s’ take- out bag of grass he uses when playing on artificial turf.  Now for week 4.

Richt, the coach with the most that does the least, moves into the ‘meat of his schedule.  After the Florida Atlantic Owls came to town he has to get the ‘dogs’ up again for a conference powerhouse.  Vandy is coming off a cross between city league football and prayer meeting in beating the feared ‘Blue Hose’ of Presbyterian.  Coach Franklin could put a whipping on the ‘Dogs’ if he has everybody singing out of the same Latin hymn book and Georgia is looking  around the corner toward the, decent for one half, Tennessee Vols. 
Jack Norman’s Loser:  GEORGIA

I guess if your team can only play for ½ of a game then you should schedule ½ of a D1 team to play.  If the Volunteers can get all that throw up off their jerseys from the 2nd half last week and they can get at least 60,000 fans back in the seats the abandoned last Saturday they could really show the ‘Zips’ a thing or two about what Tennessee football once was.  Can you believe a fan base that really wish’s they could get Phil Fulmer back for an encore. 
Jack Norman’s Loser:  Akron

I only watched the Ole Miss offense last week and thought they were really doing great until I heard on Sports Center what Texas offense did.  As an Auburn fan I’m really going out on a limb here when I say any college that gives scholarships for football and lets another team score 66 points on them should probably spend more money on research and English classes and a lot less on football.  Holding your opponent  to 66 is not that bad if you  are playing Kentucky in basketball but in football Saturday’s in the ‘Grove’ would be better spent reading a book by one of the famous alumni.  I do like this new coach and do think Texas is pretty good so:
Jack Norman’s Loser:  Tulane

Out of a deep and abiding friendship with Kathy Duncan, Billy Hudson and Ronnie Dukes I will limit my comments on this trip to Florida by the Wildcats.  Bam Bam seems to have learned a lot from those two years in coaching 101.  Looks like he has finally figured out how to use all that talent Florida seems to always have.  The ‘wildcats’ on the other had seem to not only be lacking in talent but completely void of any coaching.  This one may fall into that 66 point scored with Florida having an open date the next week and getting ready for LSU two weeks out. 
Jack Norman’s Loser:  Kentucky

Speaking of throw up all over you jerseys.  A local writer said that John L. Lewis Smith looked like your granddaddy talking to a customer service rep in India trying to get his computer turned on.  I must agree.  Anybody else that took $850,000 from a school to coach a team many picked to compete for the SEC Championship would have been jailed for Grand Larceny.  Alabama so completely demolished the ‘Hogs’ that they are not even decent for low grade sausage.  Look for a big comeback this week, the ‘Hogs’ may score.
Jack Norman’s Loser:     Arkansas

Well the ‘Bulldogs’ escaped South Alabama with a 6 point win over TROY.  That’s pretty good since TROY is now the second best team in Alabama for the time being.  Dan Mullen is proving he’s the best coach State has ever had the old fashion way, scheduling.  This week he has the dog door open to that mighty band of ‘Jaguars’ from South Alabama.  Now Joey Jones has done a great job of building that program and surely needs to raise some money, but if Mullen thinks this will get him any respect then he’s been reading his bio too much.  He better be careful, the next two weeks will be just as tough, he has ‘open’ and ‘Kentucky’.  As Sarah Palin so famously said, “grow a pair Mullen”. 
Jack Norman’s Loser:    South Alabama

I’m hoping AUBURN falls within the geographical area that requires hurricane protection, they are going to need it.  This was the year all SEC contenders look for, all their big opponents at home.  Who knew all these 4 and 5 stars we have been signing couldn’t play in a stadium that held more than 6,000 people.  I love’em and will be at the top of my form in hollering ‘WAR EAGLE’ but I might as well go over to the forest and do my hollering into a bear’s butt.  I’ve said it before LSU and ALABAMA should be playing on Sunday’s and Monday nights.  I know AUBURN will come back but LSU is not the place to start.
Jack Norman’s Loser:    AUBURN

If I were the ‘OWLS’ I promise I would call it in.  Offer Mal Moore a refund on whatever the deposit was and let the kids go alligator hunting in the glades Saturday afternoon, they’d be safer.  They probably think they played a football team last Saturday at Georgia but that was just the appetizer.  There is big difference between stuffed mushrooms and prime steak.  Miracles do happen, Moses got the Jews across the sea and there was a forth man in that fire with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego but it ain’t  gonna happen in Tuscaloosa this coming Saturday. 

Jack Norman’s Loser:  FLORIDA ATLANTIC


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