Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Lot of talk going on about Nick Saban hiring Lane Kiffin to be his new OC.  Few people know all the facts and it is really causing a stir here in Alabama.  I learned from highly reliable sources just what happen and you 'ain't' going to believe how it came about.

Seems Saban had a few friends over to his gazillion dollar house in Tuscaloosa for drinks and to shoot a little pool after he got home from the Sugar Bowl where he had just seen his 'process' shoved down his throat or up something else by Big Game Bob Stoops.  After a couple of drinks, Saban's mentor and close friend 'The Devil' started pulling the coach's chain and laughing at the Coach, telling him if he kept loosing to the likes of Auburn and Big Game Bob he would lose his super natural hold on the BAMA fan base.  A couple of the Devil's disciples got in on the action and the 'Lil Nicky' persona began to appear.  The more they laughed at him the more he fumed until a cue ball actually exploded on the table next to where 'The Devil' and 'Lil Nicky' were playing.

"I'll tell you one thing you long tail fire breathing scum", 'Lil Nicky' screamed to 'The Devil', "I can still do anything I want and they will beg me to stay and give me a $2,000,000 raise.  They will never leave me nor forsake for anything.  I am bullet proof and invisible here, and my Updykes will forever give me what ever I want."

'The Devil' not appreciating being called a fire breathing scum, slithered around the table and got right in 'Lil Nicky's' face.  "I'll bet I can make them forget you and start looking for someone else in less than a month", screamed the really tic'd off head Satan.  "Do it said 'Lil Nicky', I will bet you the souls of 100 prospects against another lake house if you do it".  'The Devil' laughed and told 'Lil Nicky' he would take the bet on one condition.  Saban had to let 'The Devil' run his OC (some guy name Nussmier) out of town and let him hire his replacement.  'Lil Nicky' laughed up his sleeve, he was going to get rid of that guy anyway, so no way could he lose.

The old OC was gone but in keeping with his bet, Saban was forced to allow 'The Devil' to hire Kiffin.
The next day Nussmier was gone, Kiffin was wearing houndstooth, Saban had a new house while Phylis from Mulga and Jim from Tuscaloosa were declaring another National Championship because BAMA had hired a true genius.

Will long be known as the day Saban got into 'The Devil's' pocket, but saved 100 souls.


annissa said...

I don't like that one, Daddy!

annissa said...

I don't like that one, Daddy!