Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Devil's Game Plan

 Not many are going to like this but it's time to look a lot deeper.

This round goes to the Devil, not because Democrats have seemingly prevailed in this latest election furor, but in dividing God's children along earthly matters. There are as many God fearing, patriotic, well meaning Democrats in our country as there are Republicans. God gave everyone a mine and speaks to everyone of them as he leads them, the contrasting opinions and diverse view of earthly matters make us strong, as evidenced by our 200+ years of blessed existence in this Country. The Devil won, this time, by blinding those who are his children to the truths of his Son's message and instructions. We have demonized anyone that might think different from us. We fail to unite in the greater and over riding Truth we are all one people, serving not an earthly government of rule but the one Adonia who is 'Absolute in Authority and Responsibility'. We are losing our focus on a Creator and are more dependent on CNN, MSNBC and FOX for our direction than God's Word. I sincerely believe Division and Distrust are the Devil's greatest weapons. If we do not start changing hearts and accepting differences, to be resolve by clean hearts we are destined to fail.
By the way, I'm guilty.

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