Monday, May 20, 2024

Is it a ‘small world’ or ‘BIG KINGDOM’?

 Is it a ‘small world’ or ‘BIG KINGDOM’? 

I have always been amazed at how, even being from a small town in rural Alabama, and even now living in a somewhat larger city, but still less than 60,000, it seems impossible to travel anywhere in the world and not meet someone I know or should know. My old High School, Haleyville High, just returned from the annual Senior Trip to Washington D.C. and New York City. I would bet, if I were a betting man, someone on that trip if not several, ran into someone who knew them or at least their family. I have had the opportunity to travel to many places, some overseas, in 78 years and on most trips, I will see someone with some connection to me, my family, my hometown or current city.  

This most always invokes the phrase ‘isn’t it a small world’. As I have considered this, I have always been amused to think this happens so frequently, but today I begin to think about a ‘what if’. What if we could identify and know all of our brothers and sisters in GOD’s KINGDOM as we travel through life. What an affirming feeling we would have as we recognize the masses who join us in this eternal kingdom. How much power and assurance of all God’s promises would we begin to realize. How bold would our witness become and how much love would we begin to share in our journey here on earth.  

I know for me an example of this newfound boldness occurs during the Christmas season. Mike Free is the unofficial leader or a Bible Study that has blessed me for over 25 years. We meet once a week, early on Tuesday mornings and 15 to 20 men for various denominations study God’s word. Mike, a true servant of God was called many years ago to use Bible studies as his way to serve and Glorify God. As a result, he leads not only our group but serval other groups here in Decatur. Each Christmas all of his groups gather during the week prior to Christmas for breakfast, devotional and some very loud but not so good singing of the old carols. This one small breakfast meeting is so encouraging and even emboldening to me. When I see those men who I know, see from throughout the community I actually get super charged in my commitment to reach others.  

Kingdom people are called to community. Church families are great, but we are a part of a body so much bigger. We are billions in numbers, and we must draw strength and boldness from our position, not only as children of a mighty God and as joint heirs with Christ but as a force in a lost world.  



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