Tuesday, June 24, 2008


The cat that delivered the next day’s newspaper to the dude on television several years ago has just picked my house to make a new home. I could not believe it when I first noticed it a couple of weeks ago and is it great. The cat has really improved its tricks since being cancelled from that old series by CBS. The newspaper it now delivers is for the news 9 months from today but I know its going to work out great for me as soon as the time comes. I’m already looking at several new stocks to gather before my information becomes timely. Unlike the rest of you I know who will win the Super Bowl and the NCAA March Madness. I’m going to make a killing just because this cat likes my house better than any other in the world.

I’ve got to admit I generally go directly to the business and sports pages since the cat started delivering, but something caught my eye this morning that I could not resist. As I took the paper out of its plastic bag, something it never had on the T.V. series, a story on the front page caught my eye. In a simple two column story on the front page I noticed where President John McCain’s three hundred million dollar ($300,000,000.00) had been awarded for bringing a ‘Super Battery’ to market. The story told of how this battery could power an average midsized automobile for up to 100 miles or for three hours with only a thirty-minute charge from a 110 outlet. The story went further to say that in larger vehicles such as SUV’s and pick-ups the doubling of the battery pack could get at least another 50 miles or 1 hour of travel. This battery, the story went on, would lead to total independence from foreign oil within a year or two and was ready for mass production. President McCain was pictured plugging a new General Motors Impala into a wall socket on one of the porches of the White House while Mrs. McCain sat under the wheel wearing her Budweiser windbreaker and waving to the camera. Senator Lieberman stood beside President McCain holding one of those big golf tournament checks that showed $300,000,000.00 in the amount block and handwritten in on the line under the box. Everybody had a big smile on their face and I was really surprised to see former President Bush, his wife, his daddy and his mama standing near the front part of the car with several others I did not recognize.

After seeing this life-changing picture I had to read the story. President McCain was quoted as saying that he knew the right incentive would do the trick. That American ingenuity would prevail with the right stimulus. He went on to praise the winner of this world-class competition and praise the executives of the winning company for all their hard work and dedication to this project. The real surprise came when I figured out just who the payee of the giant check was. It was really blurred in the picture but in the article President McCain gave plenty of praise to the winner. It seems that the winning company was a joint venture firm put together by some old and very dear friends. Halliburton and Exxon had started a new company call ‘Get’em Again, Inc.’. They had actually only been working on this project since President McCain made the promise of the reward during the campaign in June of ’08. Damn, I thought, that was this week.

I just heard the old coot offer this bounty the day before yesterday and now nine months later the prize was being claimed. The article went on to say further subsidies and tax incentives would be necessary to bring the new company up to full production but that the President felt confident Congress was on board to help this new start-up get whatever it needed to change the way we got our energy in this county. President McCain made the point that we as Americans should not expect the new company to finance the production of this new battery, “after all” he said, “the three hundred million was just to invent the battery, not to make it and we need to stand tall for them in this hour of need”.

The CEO of the new company, former Vice President Dick Cheney, was not in the picture but was quoted in the article as saying that while the new battery would not make our energy any less expensive, he felt sure that we would no longer be dependent on the Middle East for our energy needs. Of course he expressed his surprise at how fast the battery had been developed but gave a tremendous amount of credit to policies of the former administration. Someone had been quoted in the article as saying, “only in America”.

Friday, June 20, 2008


“The trouble is that the stupid people -- who constitute the grand overwhelming majority of this and all other nations -- do believe and are molded and convinced by what they get out of a newspaper”.

A lot of years ago Mark Twain was credited with this quote that has received some degree of notoriety. Ole Mark lived in an era without a 24-hour news cycle made possible by cable television and the Internet. He did not even have the opportunity to opine on 24-hour internet transmitted radio or the gazillion bloggers who for free can disseminate their personal views and insights in some form of print or airwave forum. This proliferation of self important election garbage is really causing a problem for the ‘stupid people’ Mark was fond of calling to our attention for only believing the newspaper.

In today’s world anyone with a cable connection or satellite dish can fill every waking hour with ‘news’ from some talking head with an impressive and confidence inspiring set in a studio far away. The viewers, once they find their comfort zone channel, rarely question anything that comes from the professionally designed set and perfectly coiffed and smartly dressed commentator. Regardless of the source; Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, CNBC or any other, the viewer takes every word as the absolute truth. Somehow we expect to be sufficiently educated about the issues facing our nation by watching one sixty minute broadcast a day. The 'stupid persons’ opinions are constantly reinforced throughout the day by a barrage of e-mail ‘info spots’ or cartoons, that are never identified as to their source or credibility, that flood in after numerous forwarding, from friends who think just as the ‘stupid person’ receiving the supposedly funny truth.

We’re going to elect the leader of the free world based on television, sound bites and internet cartoons we receive from sources with an agenda. Does this really make sense? Why are we so conditioned to only receiving our information from a source we feel comfortable with? Why are we so opposed to sitting though and listening to the opposition for even a short time, trying to hear and understand what they are saying without starting with a preformed idea that whatever they say is stupid, totally wrong and unworthy of our attention.

Maybe it was better when the two candidates traveled the countryside and debated in every town, just the two of them face to face. At least in that day the electorate got to see what both sides represented and stood for. I really should not make my selection on what either Oberman, Limbaugh or Hannity believe but rather on what I decide from my own observations and beliefs about what is best for this country.

I really don’t want to be like ole Mark’s ‘stupid people’. This country is far too great for my generation to screw it up because we are too damn lazy to take the time to really find out what everyone is about. Technology should be enhancing our ability to learn what all the candidates are really about and where they stand, instead it is only giving me a place to hear what I think I want to hear.

I hear you Mark, I just don’t know how to make it better.

Thursday, June 5, 2008


Jack Norman’s response to a Republican friend that sent one of the countless e-mails telling how bad the Democrats are in this election year. This probably will not make much difference or change his mind but it this kind of stuff that is tearing this country apart.
Greg, your smarter than this. This is the kind of Carl Rove fear baiting that is dividing this country so bad today. I am a Democrat and I probably feel the same way on about 99% of the issues that face us today that you do. There has never been a Republican or a Democrat that is 100% right or wrong. Both Nixon and Clinton did a lot of good things and some bad things. We have got to get back to listening to both sides and not just looking at everything as good vs. evil. Both parties have got to represented by statesmen not party hacks if we are going to become the great country we can be. This partisan crap is killing us. I only respond to the people I know can understand what I'm trying to say. There are unfortunately too many that had rather take the easy way and simply allow someone in a national party headquarters to tell him or her what they should think and whom they should be afraid of. You are too smart for that.

p.s. I'm going to add my views on the points contained in your e-mail. I have not done it yet and am anxious to see how close my views on these items are to yours.

How to be a Good Democrat
1. You have to be against capital punishment, but support abortion on demand.

I do not support abortion on demand. I do believe in the case of adversely affecting the health of the child or the mother or in the case of rape or incest.

2. You have to believe that businesses create oppression and governments create prosperity.

No, I do not believe this and have never heard any sane person that does.

3. You have to believe that guns in the hands of law-abiding Americans are more of a threat than U.S. Nuclear weapons technology in the hands of Chinese and North Korean communists.

I believe in guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens. There is no relationship between the right for citizens to own guns and the threat of nuclear weapons in the hands of the Chinese and North Koreans. By the way, I'm against China and North Korea having nuclear capabilities.

4. You have to believe that there was no art before Federal funding.

No I believe there was art long before and there will be art long after any Federal funding. I do believe that art helps to reflect the soul of a nation and if properly prioritized some funding is in the national interest.

5. You have to believe that global temperatures are less affected by cyclical documented changes in the earth's climate and more affected by soccer moms driving SUV's.

I believe you have to take the political agendas from all sides out of this equation and rely on pure science. I think it is stupid to ignore what's happening but important that the results not be shaped by either tree huggers or automobile makers and fossil fuel companies.

6. You have to believe that gender roles are artificial but being homosexual is natural.

I don't believe in the gender roles that Americans believed in 50 years ago. If that were the case your daughters would only be taking home ec classes and cheerleading instead of getting highly skilled and professional educations. I don't believe homosexual lifestyles are natural but I'm not privy to the final word on what makes them that way. I don't want them filling sensitive roles in our government, schools or religions. I also don't like murders, liars, rapist or robbers.

7. You have to believe that the AIDS virus is spread by a lack of federal funding.

Does this statement even deserve an answer? If anyone I know or happened to be related to contracted AIDS from any source I know I would want the best possible treatment for them that was available. AIDS are a fact of life. If we as a nation are going to support research into cures for diseases that affect our people then AIDS research should be considered.

8. You have to believe that the same teacher who can't teach fourth graders how to read is somehow qualified to teach those same kids about sex.

I do not believe this at all. If the parents in our nation are going to cede the responsibility for raising our youth to the state then someone damn well better train them but I don't believe just anyone with a teacher's certificate can do it.

9. You have to believe that hunters don't care about nature, but loony activists who have never been outside of San Francisco do.

Another statement that no one believes but that really makes the other side look stupid to someone reading this mess.

10. You have to believe that self-esteem is more important than actually doing something to earn it.

Strongly disagree.

11. You have to believe that Mel Gibson spent $25 million of his own money to make "The Passion of the Christ" for financial gain only.

I believe this is the most significant film I have ever seen as it relates to my spiritual life. I believe it was made for the message it conveys and I believe God inspired it much like the books of the Bible. The message is powerful.

12. You have to believe the NRA is bad because it supports certain parts of the Constitution, while the ACLU is good because it supports certain parts of the Constitution.

I believe the struggle of the NRA is a great example of what makes this country great. I personally believe in the 2nd Amendment rights and the NRA efforts to protect them.

I also while disagreeing with many of the ACLU stances on many issues I believe that this country's constitution is strong enough to demand periodic examination and testing from time to time. The ACLU has its place and there are times when we need to be held accountable.

13. You have to believe that taxes are too low, but ATM fees are too high.

Another broad stupid statement that appeals to our fears

14. You have to believe that Margaret Sanger and Gloria Steinem are more important to American history than Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Edison, and A.G. Bell.

What a load of crap. Think about this and tell me if you think the strongest Democrat you've ever known believes this. I do believe the women are important, we needed to examine our thinking on women’s place in our country when they came along.

15. You have to believe that standardized tests are racist, but racial quotas and set-asides are not.

I don't agree with anything in this statement. I do believe that every person in this country is entitled to an equal opportunity. That is what has made us strong in the past.
It is the work we do before anyone gets to the testing stage that is important. Racial quotas and set-asides should not even be in the picture at this point in our history.

16. You have to believe that Hillary Clinton is normal and is a very nice person.

I totally disagree. I agree with the Priest that preached at Obama's old church.

17. You have to believe that the only reason socialism hasn't worked anywhere it's been tried is because the right people haven't been in charge.

This again is crap, a broad statement that no one agrees with but really makes Democrats sound bad.

18. You have to believe conservatives telling the truth belong in jail, but a liar and a sex offender belonged in the White House.

If the conservative or liberal is telling a lie that will get us into a war and cost us over 4000 lives of young men and women and trillions of dollars, then yes he should go to jail. If any person is a sex offender they should be in jail.

19. You have to believe that homosexual parades displaying drag, transvestites, and bestiality should be constitutionally protected, and manger scenes at Christmas should be illegal.

I believe in free speech to the point that it becomes harmful to the majority of our citizens. I really don't think it is the Governments place to spread my religion to the masses. I am responsible for telling the story and message of my religion. It is our diversity that has always made us strong. Christianity is our responsibility to spread.

20. You have to believe that illegal Democrat Party funding by the Chinese Government is somehow in the best interest to the United States.

No and I don't and I don't believe that Republican funding by the Saudi Royal family, big business and special interest is good for this country.

21. You have to believe that this message is a part of a vast, right wing conspiracy.

No, just fear baiting political hacks.

22. You have to believe that it's okay to give Federal workers the day off on Christmas Day ..........but it's not okay to say "Merry Christmas."

How stupid can this get? I'm sure Jimmy Carter is your example here.

23 You have got to believe that a one-term senator from Illinois, a Muslim, that refuses to salute our American Flag or hold his hand over his heart and say the Pledge, can make things better in America.

I think you ought to listen to him, study his life and background, read his position on the issues and not rely on some hack with a computer terminal to tell you what kind of man 18,000,000 people have voted for in the primaries.

24. You have to refuse to vote in November.
Where did this gem come from? Did they just exhaust their thinking capabilities?

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


What a beautiful day has dawned here in the River City. The primary season that started just after the first of the year three years ago has finally come to an end. Obama outlasted Hillary and McCain is still flailing around out there trying to smile on queue and explain how he’s not like W. While Obama had 20,000 screaming supporters stirred into a frenzy resembling a Jimmy Buffet concert, John was torturing a couple of thousand at the Kenner Nursing Home with his timeless impersonation of ‘Plastic Man’. He was still trying to follow the teleprompter’s instructions to smile when he made a point. This Republican son and grandson of Navy admirals has a hard time identifying with working people and it shows.

Other races that ended last night failed to draw much attention. Take the Democratic race to elect the senatorial candidate here in Alabama. Vivian Figures, a good-looking African American lady from Mobile eked out a pretty sizeable victory over my favorite candidate of the season, Mark “No NCAA” Townsend. I guess I favored old ‘No NCAA’ since we are from the same hometown. I was a big supporter of ‘No NCAA’ several years ago when he ran for governor and barely lost that election according to his web site. Of course many of you don’t recognize that these two candidates were one in the same since the last time he ran as Mark ‘rodeo clown’ Townsend. I guess either the line of work or the cause has changed since that first statewide race and misidentification is probably the only reason he failed to capture this year’s nomination.

If ‘No NCAA’ could have simply found a way to drive more readers to his web site I’m confident this year’s election would have turned out much differently. I will be looking to see if the web design company that created this year’s site wins any awards for their efforts on ‘No NCAA’s’ behalf. The site, http://sessionsisasissy.com, is a must view for anyone interested in politics. ‘No NCAA’ and his P.R. firm have set the standard for years to come on laser focused political advertising. In eight short pages I think you will gain great insight into just what makes this man tick. ‘No NCAA’ sets out who he is, where he’s coming from and what he plans to do. Not ever forgetting the insiders and people who got him to where he is today, ‘No NCAA’ takes great care in introducing us to his campaign manager, a man who popped popcorn for the Haleyville Lions football team for 25 years before being unfairly released, and numerous others from his family and campaign team. “Rodeo Clown’, no I mean ‘No NCAA’ goes into great depth to explain exactly how big government and big business have tainted the NCAA and its process. Until I read this web site I had no idea that Vice-President Dick Cheney or his former company Halliburton controlled the NCAA or even cared about it’s inner workings. ‘No NCAA’ lays it out in plain and simple language where anyone can see and understand. He even offers proof Cheney was behind his campaign manager’s loosing his job as the popcorn maker at the Haleyville ballgames. He certainly shows how the U.S. Government was behind the conspiracy to deny Auburn University a national championship in 2004. This stuff needs to be addressed and now with ‘No NCAA’s’ defeat I fear it will all be swept under the big rug in Washington.

This web site also gives one insight into ‘No NCAA’s’ softer side. If your reading this or you went to the web site you’d probably think ‘No NCAA’ was just another big old tough guy running for office, but if you did you would be so wrong. ‘No NCAA’ has even done the research to prove that all these conspiracies go much deeper. He offers irrefutable evidence that the wrongs suffered at the hand of the NCAA, Dick Cheney and the military industrial complex extend to the bands and cheerleaders as well. No stone was left unturned in ‘No NCAA’s’ quest for the truth.

I will not sit idly by the next time this man runs. I am writing ‘No NCAA’ today to offer my help in his next campaign. My first suggestion will be to run the next time as Mark ‘TheTruth.com’ Townsend. We start now, covering the state by displaying the new web site address, ‘TheTruth.com’ in every ‘Subway’ restaurant bathroom in the state. Handwritten messages in bathrooms are never removed and reach millions of voters over the years. We take the same ‘sessionsisasissy.com’ content and put it under the new address and simply change to whatever office ‘TheTruth.com’ decides to run for. Since there are now 9500 Subway’s in just this state alone we will have the state covered whenever ‘No NCAA’ is ready to go. Just like the old popcorn popper/campaign manager knows so well, “there is always next year”.