Friday, June 20, 2008


“The trouble is that the stupid people -- who constitute the grand overwhelming majority of this and all other nations -- do believe and are molded and convinced by what they get out of a newspaper”.

A lot of years ago Mark Twain was credited with this quote that has received some degree of notoriety. Ole Mark lived in an era without a 24-hour news cycle made possible by cable television and the Internet. He did not even have the opportunity to opine on 24-hour internet transmitted radio or the gazillion bloggers who for free can disseminate their personal views and insights in some form of print or airwave forum. This proliferation of self important election garbage is really causing a problem for the ‘stupid people’ Mark was fond of calling to our attention for only believing the newspaper.

In today’s world anyone with a cable connection or satellite dish can fill every waking hour with ‘news’ from some talking head with an impressive and confidence inspiring set in a studio far away. The viewers, once they find their comfort zone channel, rarely question anything that comes from the professionally designed set and perfectly coiffed and smartly dressed commentator. Regardless of the source; Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, CNBC or any other, the viewer takes every word as the absolute truth. Somehow we expect to be sufficiently educated about the issues facing our nation by watching one sixty minute broadcast a day. The 'stupid persons’ opinions are constantly reinforced throughout the day by a barrage of e-mail ‘info spots’ or cartoons, that are never identified as to their source or credibility, that flood in after numerous forwarding, from friends who think just as the ‘stupid person’ receiving the supposedly funny truth.

We’re going to elect the leader of the free world based on television, sound bites and internet cartoons we receive from sources with an agenda. Does this really make sense? Why are we so conditioned to only receiving our information from a source we feel comfortable with? Why are we so opposed to sitting though and listening to the opposition for even a short time, trying to hear and understand what they are saying without starting with a preformed idea that whatever they say is stupid, totally wrong and unworthy of our attention.

Maybe it was better when the two candidates traveled the countryside and debated in every town, just the two of them face to face. At least in that day the electorate got to see what both sides represented and stood for. I really should not make my selection on what either Oberman, Limbaugh or Hannity believe but rather on what I decide from my own observations and beliefs about what is best for this country.

I really don’t want to be like ole Mark’s ‘stupid people’. This country is far too great for my generation to screw it up because we are too damn lazy to take the time to really find out what everyone is about. Technology should be enhancing our ability to learn what all the candidates are really about and where they stand, instead it is only giving me a place to hear what I think I want to hear.

I hear you Mark, I just don’t know how to make it better.

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