Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Better things to Pray for

Today’s election day in Massachusetts and they are trying to elect a successor to Ted Kennedy. The Democrat is a woman, I think Attorney General of the State either now or at sometime in the past. The seat was originally thought to be a lock for any Democrat with a pulse and body temp of at least 98 degrees. Some good-looking stud Republican named Brown got in the race soon after Teddy died and seems to be giving the lady a run for her money.

Now here’s the thing I can’t figure out. I am getting all kinds of messages from people I highly respect as fellow Christians telling me I should be fasting, praying and in intense meditation to further the cause of the Brown guy. I genuinely love the people asking me to recommend this guy to God for his election to the Senate from Mass. (I’m not spelling Mass. but once, see above), but I’m just not sure what the lady did that is so wrong and how it is my business to butt in. I know I lean a little left of a lot of folks around here and I also know God loves me just a much as he does someone that does not always agree with me. My problem comes from the feeling that maybe God just has not told me something he has told everyone else.

I pray every day and seek God in whatever goes on around me. In all my praying and seeking it has never once been revealed to me by anyone or anything with greater authority than Bill O’Reilly, Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh that we don’t need a better health care system in this country which seems to be the real rub. I’m 64 years old, lost my job and insurance and weigh 300 pounds or more and no one will insure me. I am going to get sick someday and this great country is not going to let me go without medical attention. I really do not think everyone else should be burden with paying for my health care but under the present system I have no choice. I ran a business where the health care cost went up every year forcing me more and more to transfer this cost to my employees.

I am just not sure God does not want that extra 31 million people covered the proposed legislation proposes to cover. I am also not so sure it is God’s plan to allow BC/BS to continue to dictate what it will pay to doctors and hospitals for their services, while setting sky-high rates for those it chooses to cover as long as they stay healthy just because the have 85% of the business.

I think I will just let the people of Mass. choose their Senator on their own. They have been doing it for a long time and seem to have done very well for themselves. God gave us the best system the world has ever seen in this democracy we live with and I believe it works pretty well. I think I will simply pray that everyone votes, they vote their conscious and convictions and when they have a Senator they support him or her to the fullest and not try to undermine everything O’Reilly, Beck and Limbaugh do not like.