Friday, September 15, 2023


 From nearly 78 years of experience, I’ve learned something about this journey we are on.  In my simple mind I have decided life to a large extent is choosing paths that are defined like buckets in our minds.  Every day there are buckets we decide which to fill. The buckets represent something, some good and some bad.  The bad are always going to be there along with the good.  How you fill them each day is what makes the difference and determines the direction your life will take.  Fill the ‘good buckets’ and you will find success, fulfillment and happiness.  Fill the ‘bad buckets’ and you will find stress and strife.  When you are focused on filling the ‘good’ buckets and ignoring the ‘bad’ you will see you don’t have the time to deal with the ‘bad’.  The ‘bad’ will always be there.  My whole life I have seen ‘bad’ buckets in front of me every day, but by focusing on directing my energies to the ‘good’ buckets they become less an issue and challenge.  My bucket assessment goes something like this in your situation.  

 1. Your Spiritual Bucket:  you know the value of knowing and relying on a spiritual life.  Fill that bucket everyday with some acknowledgement of God and the blessings he gave you. It is mandated not suggested we glorify our Lord in all we do.

2. Your Family Bucket, both your own earthly family and your Spiritual family whose walking with you. Strength and support are vital to making it. These family relationships are critical at every stage of life. We were made to be companions and to walk this road with both families.

3. Your Educational Bucket: No matter your age you have an opportunity and a mind to accomplish everything in life you dream and desire.  Don’t waste the opportunity laying right there in front of you to prepare yourself to soar.

4. Your Personal Relationship Bucket:  Surround yourself with people that make you a better person.  Don’t alienate those you recognize as ‘going nowhere’ types but work to become a positive influence on them.  Do not sink to their level to feel included to be the positive influence they may need to be better people.

When your focus is on giving 100% to fill these ‘Good Buckets’ every day you will not have time or the spirit to worry about the negative buckets you have in front of you every day.  All of us have ‘Bad Bucket’ stuff around. us every day.  If we are not busy filling our ‘Good Buckets’ they can bring us down and avert your focus and attention, but you have a spirit and the power to remain true to ourselves and avoid the negative effects on us.    



 From nearly 78 years of experience, I’ve learned something about this journey we are on.  In my simple mind I have decided life to a large extent is choosing paths that are defined like buckets in our minds.  Every day there are buckets we decide which to fill. The buckets represent something, some good and some bad.  The bad are always going to be there along with the good.  How you fill them each day is what makes the difference and determines the direction your life will take.  Fill the ‘good buckets’ and you will find success, fulfillment and happiness.  Fill the ‘bad buckets’ and you will find stress and strife.  When you are focused on filling the ‘good’ buckets and ignoring the ‘bad’ you will see you don’t have the time to deal with the ‘bad’.  The ‘bad’ will always be there.  My whole life I have seen ‘bad’ buckets in front of me every day, but by focusing on directing my energies to the ‘good’ buckets they become less an issue and challenge.  My bucket assessment goes something like this in your situation.  

 1. Your Spiritual Bucket:  you know the value of knowing and relying on a spiritual life.  Fill that bucket everyday with some acknowledgement of God and the blessings he gave you. It is mandated not suggested we glorify our Lord in all we do.

2. Your Family Bucket, both your own earthly family and your Spiritual family whose walking with you. Strength and support are vital to making it. These family relationships are critical at every stage of life. We were made to be companions and to walk this road with both families.

3. Your Educational Bucket: No matter your age you have an opportunity and a mind to accomplish everything in life you dream and desire.  Don’t waste the opportunity laying right there in front of you to prepare yourself to soar.

4. Your Personal Relationship Bucket:  Surround yourself with people that make you a better person.  Don’t alienate those you recognize as ‘going nowhere’ types but work to become a positive influence on them.  Do not sink to their level to feel included to be the positive influence they may need to be better people.

When your focus is on giving 100% to fill these ‘Good Buckets’ every day you will not have time or the spirit to worry about the negative buckets you have in front of you every day.  All of us have ‘Bad Bucket’ stuff around. us every day.  If we are not busy filling our ‘Good Buckets’ they can bring us down and avert your focus and attention, but you have a spirit and the power to remain true to ourselves and avoid the negative effects on us.    

Friday, July 28, 2023


 This morning while listening to a devotional through my ear buds, I learned a very important lesson.  The devotional had directed me to Genesis 3 where the serpent had convinced Eve, by distracting her from God's law, to defy God's instructions and try the only fruit he had forbidden.  Just as I got to the part about how it really wouldn't hurt Eve to taste it, I got the beep from my ear buds I had a text.  Now at 4:15 in the morning the likelihood of me getting anything important is about as likely as me winning the Powerball.  The problem was I immediately picked up the phone and click to see what my message was (a new deal from Rock N Roll Sushi).  Now since I like Rock N Roll Sushi, I was glad to see a deal, BUT it is not in the same universe as my need to grow my relationship with my Lord and Savior.  

I cannot get out of my mind now how accustomed we are to just such instances all the time.  Distraction from what should be our more intimate times with God has always (even back to Eve) the Devils most productive tool.  I've been guilty of this type distraction all my life.  I have check those beeps and vibrations even during a worship service and serious Bible study.  Anything that breaks our worship and communication with our Lord and Savior is a victory for the evil one, not worth it and dangerous. Nothing on this earth or in this life is worth it.  

Would you ever disrupt a meeting or conversation with Nick Saban, Hugh Freeze or any other high-powered personality.  Most important meetings or events require us to either turn-off our devices or check them at the door.  Our worship time should require no less focus and attention.  Just some thoughts on our attention to the only thing that really matters for eternity.  

Monday, July 17, 2023


 It's taken awhile but the Holy Spirit finally made something I've been told all my life finally make sense.  Prayer has always been something I believed in, probably because of hearing so much about it from my Grandmother Roby, who was such a great example.  She tried to get the message across but somehow it did not take.   

Today before the sun came up I finally saw what has been in front of me all the time.  This explains why the Devil hates for us to pray so bad.  Four (4) reasons why prayer is so important in our lives and why the Evil one hates it so bad has become clearer than ever before. 

When we sincerely PRAY, at least four very important things happen that really gets to the old Devil. 

1. We are acknowledging to ourselves and God he does exist as the 3-O God of the Universe.  (Omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent)

2. We believe our God hears us when we seek him and go to him.  

3. We are placing our concerns under his authority. 

4.  His response will be according to his plan for his kingdom, and we can have a binding faith and trust in however God handles our prayer will be in our best interest.