Monday, July 17, 2023


 It's taken awhile but the Holy Spirit finally made something I've been told all my life finally make sense.  Prayer has always been something I believed in, probably because of hearing so much about it from my Grandmother Roby, who was such a great example.  She tried to get the message across but somehow it did not take.   

Today before the sun came up I finally saw what has been in front of me all the time.  This explains why the Devil hates for us to pray so bad.  Four (4) reasons why prayer is so important in our lives and why the Evil one hates it so bad has become clearer than ever before. 

When we sincerely PRAY, at least four very important things happen that really gets to the old Devil. 

1. We are acknowledging to ourselves and God he does exist as the 3-O God of the Universe.  (Omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent)

2. We believe our God hears us when we seek him and go to him.  

3. We are placing our concerns under his authority. 

4.  His response will be according to his plan for his kingdom, and we can have a binding faith and trust in however God handles our prayer will be in our best interest.

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