Friday, July 28, 2023


 This morning while listening to a devotional through my ear buds, I learned a very important lesson.  The devotional had directed me to Genesis 3 where the serpent had convinced Eve, by distracting her from God's law, to defy God's instructions and try the only fruit he had forbidden.  Just as I got to the part about how it really wouldn't hurt Eve to taste it, I got the beep from my ear buds I had a text.  Now at 4:15 in the morning the likelihood of me getting anything important is about as likely as me winning the Powerball.  The problem was I immediately picked up the phone and click to see what my message was (a new deal from Rock N Roll Sushi).  Now since I like Rock N Roll Sushi, I was glad to see a deal, BUT it is not in the same universe as my need to grow my relationship with my Lord and Savior.  

I cannot get out of my mind now how accustomed we are to just such instances all the time.  Distraction from what should be our more intimate times with God has always (even back to Eve) the Devils most productive tool.  I've been guilty of this type distraction all my life.  I have check those beeps and vibrations even during a worship service and serious Bible study.  Anything that breaks our worship and communication with our Lord and Savior is a victory for the evil one, not worth it and dangerous. Nothing on this earth or in this life is worth it.  

Would you ever disrupt a meeting or conversation with Nick Saban, Hugh Freeze or any other high-powered personality.  Most important meetings or events require us to either turn-off our devices or check them at the door.  Our worship time should require no less focus and attention.  Just some thoughts on our attention to the only thing that really matters for eternity.  

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