Thursday, April 17, 2008

I’ve got it figured out. I know why less than 50% of our citizens even bother to vote. Watching last night’s big debate in Philly did it for me, the light went on and with my keen since of observation I saw our problem.

We’re not sick of government or politicians, we are sick of pompous network newsmen. Now whether you like Sen. Clinton or Sen. Obama you had to get tired of the smug, know it all attitudes of the two jackasses asking the questions. Both Senators are pros, not perfect, but pros. They have had everything in the world thrown at them for over a year and have done their share of throwing, that’s politics, but we are down to the lick log and it time to see what they each have in the way of substantive ideas. For whatever the reason the morons questioning them looked like cub reporters for the National Inquirer.

If my preacher, who I think is one of the finest men I’ve ever known, were running for office these two clowns could make him look like a pervert. The line of questioning would go something like this.

1. Q. Dr. Greer, is it true you grew up in the mountains of Tennessee where illegal whiskey was a large part of the economy?
A. Why yes, that was back in the 50’s and 60’s, that’s right.

2. Q. Well Dr. Greer, is it not true you drove numerous bootleggers around in a long black automobile on many of their last rides on this earth?
A. Yes, my family was in the funeral home business and we did take care of most of the people in the area.

3. Q. And when you ‘took care’ of the persons working outside the law, did you not continue to associate with the families of these outlaws long after they were gone?
A. Why yes, sometimes it took us a long time to get paid. And we had to stay after them on occasion.

4. Q. Well then you did take money that had been made illegally from these various crime families.
A. Well they paid us most of the time.

5. Q. Did you not change your mind about a career in the Army and leave the Army before you had completed the 20 years service needed to retire and then go to a left wing liberal college near New York to earn a degree?
A. Yes, it was a liberal arts college; I got a PhD and entered the ministry.

6. Q. And since that time have you consistently advocated that people with money should give a portion of their income to worthless, non-working street people?
A. Yes I have, I think that’s what Christ taught us to do.

7. Q. Oh, so you’re a Christian, I guess that means you don’t worship with Jews or Catholics or Muslims at all on Sundays, am I right on that?
A. Well I have my own congregation I’m obligated to on most Sundays.

8. Q. So you feel no obligation to Jews, Catholics of Muslims for their well-being or chosen form of worship, isn’t that right?
A. I respect them and their choice of religion but I choose to be a Methodist and have an obligation to my congregation.

9. Q. I guess you feel an obligation to take a part of this country’s hard earned bounty and just give it away to strangers in Africa, just because they are starving and need it, is that right?
A. Yes I do.

By this time Dr. Greer would see where all this was going. He would ask if the host were not interested in his position on Health Care, Education, Energy and the Environment. Mr. Gibson and little George would quickly plug ‘Nightline’ coming up at 10:30, break for one last word from their sponsors, and with one last smile say “thank you for joining us and be sure that no matter what, you vote.”

Now do you understand why we are disillusioned?

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