Tuesday, April 1, 2008

I got an e-mail a few minutes ago from my old friend Jim Leverett who is a die-hard Republican. We have talked and corresponded several times about the upcoming Presidential election and he knows I'm a Democrat and of my leanings toward Sen. Obama, though he doesn't agree with me. Today he wanted me to explain why Obama seemed to be drawing such wide spread support and what was there about him that energized the people like he did. I going to give him a real answer someday this week but for now I thought the following might make my future explanation easier.

Dear Jim,
I would write you back with a full explantion but since it would be so much like a blog I must refrain since you don't like those. I did get the e-mail with your question about what makes Sen. Obama seemingly popular but have been busy and not had time to respond to your inquiry. I will address in more depth later in the week.

Before I try I would recommend you get completely off the Rush Limbaugh and Fox News cool-aid. A few suggestions to follow before trying to understand:

Say 100 times every night:

1. "Just because it is Republican doesn't make it right."

2. "No one is either right or wrong 100% of the time and even Bill Clinton did many things right."

3. "The world did not begin nor end with Ronald Reagan."

4. "Sometimes the rich do harm the poor."

5. "Joe Lieberman may actually have his hand up John McCain's back making his lips move."

I know this will be hard but you can do it. After a few days when you are more open minded I will explain why Barack Obama looks pretty good to a lot of people.

Your old buddy,
Jack Norman

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