Monday, April 14, 2008

Just when I was beginning to worry about my summer vacation I get some really good news. President Bush said Friday he was going to look into the airline crisis that caused thousands of flights to be cancelled last week and hundreds of thousands of people to be left in airports across the country. Hopefully the President will bring Mr. Cheney in on this effort to help correct whatever is wrong. These two have done such a good job on everything they have undertaken over the last seven years that I have full confidence in the two of them and their administration getting this mess straighten out.

If they can work their magic on this problem the way they have on; the war in Iraq, the corporate scandals, the sub-prime mortgage meltdown, the overall economy, the immigration issues, the waste and abuse at the veterans administration and the spiraling price of oil, then travel by air will be a breeze. Within just a few weeks the long lines at ticket counters and families sleeping in waiting areas will be just a bad memory, much like the dead and decaying downtowns of the rust belt and the news stories on the corruption in the government of Iraq. As Mr. McClain, the heir apparent to the Bush legacy said of the economy, the crisis will soon become just a figment of our imagination, a bad dream we are not capable of rationalizing. Our President can do it, ‘mission accomplished’ will again be the message, this time from the tarmac of DFW, with planes landing and taking off in the background. This time Mr. Bush will fly in wearing a commercial pilots uniform. He would be more at home in that uniform than he was in the fighter pilot outfit he wore to declare the Iraq war finished and done.

Thank you for you efforts Mr. President, Disney World looks safe for another year.

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