Friday, April 4, 2008

John McCain, a man of the people? I don’t think so. Some how I missed, after all the talk about John McCain, the fact that he is the son and grandson of Navy Admirals. Not the kind who call the local yacht club to order, but the kind that rules the seven seas and Pentagon.

America, not unlike ancient Rome, treats our military leaders like some kind and royalty, and I guess deservingly so. The reason is, I have always presumed, is that it allows them to maintain their focus on matters of war and the defense of our nation. The problem arises in the fact that by so doing, they are insulated from the everyday problems and annoyances that plague all the rest of us. The staff to maintain a General or Admiral is enormous. There must me a live human to assure the availability of everything from the right soft drink, (diet or regular, Pepsi or Dr. Pepper, etc), a driver, a shopper, a cook, a valet, various housekeepers, a caddy and always a full staff of clerical personnel. The children of an Admiral, especially the Commander of the Pacific Fleet, always seem to have a direct line to the Naval Academy and are sent forthwith on to their careers in the service of their lineage.

I suppose this is a time honored tradition with merit, but it does to a large degree, shelter these families from the day to day trials and tribulations all the rest of us face in our civilian lives. Who has ever heard of an Admirals family being forced to move because of a foreclosure? Not in my recollection have I ever heard of any Admiral losing his pension or health benefits because the company he worked for had been stripped of all its assets by a corrupt executive or moved out of the country because of the cost of labor in this country. John McCain did serve his country with great honor and sacrifice, but nothing in his background gives him any insight into what the vast majority of Americans are facing today. He admits that he knows very little about the economy. A fact that is easily understood when reviewing his background. An early life as the son of a military icon and an adult life in political office does nothing to prepare him for the role of Chief Executive of this country. It also lends nothing to his resume as a man for the people when he’s married to a woman worth over $100,000,000.00.

I’d like to see something in his bio about the number of times he has actually shopped in a Wal-Mart, Costco or Target. Tell me about him even knowing a person, much less being the person, who carries his child to an emergency room with a broken arm, knowing he has no insurance or has less cash in his pocket than the co-pay he’s going to be ask to produce by some fat woman in white shoes.

Right now the last thing we need is a rich, life long government employee running this country. This man has no idea or any way of knowing what the majority of people in this country are facing today. God Bless our military, but don’t expect the Admirals and Generals to give you directions to Kroger’s.

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