Thursday, March 13, 2008

$42,000,000, forty-two million dollars, $1,000,000 X 42=$42,000,000. Any way you write it or say it it’s a boat load of money. People drive across two states to buy a lottery ticket for a chance to win that kind of payoff. Oprah can pay for ½ a house for that much money. 1,000 teachers can work for year for that much money. 10schools can be built for that much money. So what does our government do with that much money? It sends all of us a letter telling us that we are going to get a tax give away of $600. We have heard about it for nearly four months. Brian Williams and told us at least twenty times and it has been in every newspaper and magazine for months.

Am I just stupid or is this the closest thing to throwing a ton of money up a pig’s backside and hollering sooey since we built a bridge to nowhere or invested thousands of dollars in a toilet seat. Please just give me one good reason why this is necessary. Do we have so many government employees on the payroll that we just have to find work for them to do or have our legislators finally lost touch with reality. Poor ole G. Bush doesn’t even have a reason for a P.R. effort, he’s toast and nothing will change that.

The only explanation is that our elected officials have no clue about how much they are spending. A million dollars ($1,000,000) has absolutely no value to anyone inside the Beltway. In the words of that great American, Earl Pitts, ‘WAKE UP AMERICA”.

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