Monday, March 24, 2008

I’m still waiting on my letter from President Bush telling me about the $600 I’ve got coming from the government. I moved about a year and a half ago so I guess he did not get my ‘change of address’ I sent the IRS when I filed my taxes last year. I’ve really been trying to figure out how I’m going to spend this windfall when I finally get it and I think I’ve found the answer. It’s costing me about $15 to $20 extra to fill up my five year old Tahoe now over what it was costing a year ago. If I stay close to home I can get by on a tank of gas per week. That means this $600 will cover about 6 months of the increased gas prices. That made me feel pretty good until I figured out that I’ve already spent that money and the check from President will only make me whole for the past six months and the next six months I’m on my own.

I’ve got a better idea for the next $160,000,000 that he and Mr. Cheney want to spend to stimulate the economy. Instead of sending me back the tax money I’ve already paid why don’t he man up and encourage me and all my fellow citizens to spend by doing something that will really make a difference. Why don’t he limit the amount of fees and penalties the credit card companies charge. While the Fed bleeds money by reducing the cost of money to all the big boys, I still see credit card interest cost way above 15%, sometimes even above 25%. I don’t think it would kill them to hold the interest to 15% across the board. I also think I’d be more incline to spend if I knew that a late fee would give me thirty days before getting hit with a $30 late fee and a $30 fee if I went $5 over my limit. I can’t even think about the other charges that show up from time to time and I know I’m not the only one getting hit by these ever increasing amounts.

VISA has just enjoyed one of the most successful IPO’s in history. Their stock was snapped up by hundreds of institutional investors, not the little guys, because they are projected to be so profitable. These profits are coming after countless executives will be paid over a $1,000,000 per year and untold millions spent on lavish perks and entertainment. I’m not a communist and I wholeheartedly believe in the free market system but these times require common sense and lord knows we need some now.

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