Monday, March 17, 2008

O.K. we’ve bailed out Bear Stearns and guaranteed another oil tanker load of money to induced J.P. Morgan to take over the Wall Street giant. I know that on some level this makes sense and will be good for our economy in the long run, but I have a few request of our government in regards to this transaction.

First, I think we should be extremely upset if we read a week or two from now that the CEO and his buddies leave Bear Stearns with multi million dollar retirement packages. These are the clowns that put that eighty-year-old company in the shape it’s in now and they certainly should not be rewarded for their greed fed blunders. All this money should go to reducing the bailout funding, not to pay off those who screwed up in the first place. Secondly I believe that the Executives from J.P. Morgan should agree to limit their compensation to no more than two hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($250,000.00) per year until the bailout money or guaranty is fully repaid to the people’s treasury. Next I believe the government, as a condition of the bailout should require a moratorium on the usual perks provided these elite corporate executives until the governments’ exposure is reduced to zero. No more personal limos with drivers, private dining rooms, personal access to corporate jets and vacation hideaways. Lastly I think the terms of the bailout should include a energy related provision. All the executives of the acquiring company and the bailout beneficiary should be required to use their existing fleet of limos and drivers to set a good environmental roll model for the nation. They should create carpools to bring all the executives in from the outlying areas of New York daily instead of providing multiple cars for the individuals involved.

J.P. Morgan bought this company for two dollars ($2.00) a share, supported by the people’s money. Why can’t there be some show of good faith to the people instead of just another trip to peoples well for more pork and water to feed the rich?

When I borrow money I have to jump through a dozen hoops to satisfy the lender that I am serious about paying it back on a timely basis, why are the big boys not held to the same standards?

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