Monday, March 10, 2008

I missed something somewhere. Why did they fire a perfectly good foreign affairs advisor from the Obama campaign because she called iron butt a ‘Monster’. She is. She has spent a lifetime honing those skills to almost perfection. She would be easier to identify if she had continued to look like she did at Wellesley but someone close to Bill figured that out early and got her to shave, get some contacts, see a pants suit designer, take the Clinton name and comb her hair, but they could not do much for the person underneath.

Webster’s II New Riverside dictionary defines monster as, “an extremely vicious or wicked person”. Has anyone ever paid attention to this woman? She is the best ever at giving credibility to a vicious rumor or innuendo she started or cause to start by denying it. Would you believe this woman on a used car lot. She is also adept at taking credit for successes that she either had nothing to do with or that never occurred in the first place. Her health care efforts during the early years of her husbands’ first term were the laughing stock of the country. This woman nearly got him beat before he was ever elected and now she claims everything good he ever accomplished was done through her efforts.

The lady that got fired should be rehired and given a raise. Look at the ‘lifetime of experience’ Hillary so quickly throws out at every stop. You may want her answering the phone for you at 3:00 in the morning but I’d rather it be put on ‘call forwarding’ to Ron Paul than to trust her with my grandchildren

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