Wednesday, March 5, 2008

March 5, 2008

Yes, this is the day after the sub/Super Tuesday and Hillary, from what she said on the ‘Today’, has clinched the nomination for President. I am a Democrat, I am so ready to get Bush/Cheney and this entire administration out of Washington, but I swear I will vote for John McCain before I will ever vote for this overbearing know it all broad.

Hillary Clinton is no more or no less than a female Carl Rove and a remake of exactly what we have now. This woman will do and say anything to claim the office which she feels she has a divine right to occupy. She has been driven from the time she left Wellesley until today to be the President of the United States and will let no principle or value stand in her way to attaining her goal. Her marriage and her entire adult life have been driven to obtain this one goal and now that she is so close she will become more and more obsessed by that goal.

A world questioned why any woman would endure the humiliation heaped on her by a promiscuous husband. From Gennifer Flowers, Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey, Monica Lewinsky and the Lord only knows who else, Bill has made it abundantly clear that this was not a marriage made in heaven. Everyone knows his personal life is separate and apart from his public life. Hillary did not leave him because she knew from the start that this old country boy had the potential to place her in a position to reach her goal in life. Short of Bill’s being shot by a jealous husband Hillary was sticking to him like white on rice.

I do not have a problem with having a woman President; I have a problem with that woman being Hillary Clinton. This woman is acting like the spoiled self centered brat she is and it is hurting her party and our nations chances of getting the war mongers out of office and replacing them with an administration that will return us to a place of leadership in the world. In addition to lying about ‘universal health care’, having a weak or non- existent energy policy, and a less than full commitment to the ‘greening’ of our country, Hillary has pulled out all stops in the use of the ‘ringing phone’.

Who is supposed to answer the phone and what are they supposed to say when they do pick it up to answer. Is it supposed to be a John Wayne or George Bush clone that immediately screams at the caller that we’re launching missiles right now to blow their asses up? How about a Dick Cheney that says hold on while I call some friends in the Oil and Weapons business and see how we need to respond? How about an old man that can’t exactly remember where the caller is from or a woman that’s been up all night co-coordinating the Secret Services search for her husband in all the Hooter’s in Washington D.C.

I would like to have someone pick up the phone that knew the caller and the leader of whatever group was causing the trouble. I would like someone that had studied and understood the underlying conflicts that may have lead to the crisis call. I would like someone that had previously addressed the causes of whatever the conflict from a reconciling position without the baggage of special interest. I would like someone that was trusted by leaders around the world to act in a right and just manner, not determined by special interest or superficial pride.

I do not want that phone answered by anyone with a lifetime of experience like both McCain and Hillary boast of having. The experience we have garnered for the past fifty (50) years has really got us screwed up, why do we want more.

We still have the power to achieve great things in this world. We can help in so many ways and places that once again we can become that light on the hill we think we are now. We need leadership that uses our vast resources for the good of others, not just ourselves. We can broker peace if we are trusted to not be looting the countries we’re helping. We can influence economies if we are not giving with one hand while taking double with the other. We can lead in protecting and renewing our environment if we pay the price ourselves.

We are not ever going to be trusted in this world until we have leadership that does not have ‘a lifetime of experience’ in government.

Thomas Jefferson was thirty-three (33) when he was the primary author of the Declaration of Independence. Pretty good for someone without a ‘lifetime of experience’.

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